Thursday, November 17, 2016

Super Moon - 2016

So... I am not one for getting up super early in the morning so I took this picture of the moon rising after it's "Super Moon" display waaaayyy earlier that day ;)

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thermopolis, WY, Hot Springs State Park, Swinging Bridge

I took these pictures in Thermopolis, WY over by Hot Springs State Park! These images are SOOC- NO editing was involved in these. I must admit- I am VERY proud of these photos!!

This bridge celebrated it's 100 year anniversary this year! While the main parts of the bridge have been updated and remade over the years, the footings are original- dating back to 1917!

The Town of Thermopolis gave the bridge a nice string of lights to celebrate- I don't know how long they will be there but it sure does add a sense of wonder to the ole swinging bridge.

I hope you enjoy!


Monday, April 25, 2016

The Four Seasons Series

I finally got them all! Here is my Four Season Series finished...complete...can't wait to print and hang these :)

which season is your favorite? or set?